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Ape shirts

Greetings from Ohio!

I'm writing this from a Motel 6 in Columbus. In a few hours I start training with Parkour Generations and Majestic Force.

I picked up this note when I arrived:

"Hi Colin, my name is Matt Ingleby and I started an online t-shirt company in Chicago named RIPT Apparel ( We sell one unique t shirt design for 24 hours every day for $10 each. I'm contacting you because I love your site and I think that your readers will like tomorrow's design. It's titled "Ape" by artist Nick Beaulieu. It's a cool t shirt of a you guessed it, an Ape. It has a cool urban street art feel to it."

It's a very cool design and it's only available for the day, so check it out! The link is

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Reader Comments (2)

too scary!!

May 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjosh

1. You officially have a legit following. 2. Neat coordination of life's many events 3. Please don't buy that creepy, creepy t-shirt. Matt, if you are reading this - kudos for orchestrating that, and just know Colin is *highly proficient* in mixed martial arts [stuff]. :)

May 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

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