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Some new goals

I have recently returned from a great trip across the country.  I joined several of the NCParkour guys in Ohio for American Rendezvous, featuring Parkour Generations and Majestic Force.  It was great to see the Europeans in action - their approach to training and their discipline is inspirational.  Many thanks to Parkour Horizons for putting on the event and huge appreciations to all of the Parkour Generations and Majestic Force guys & girls for making the long trek from Europe - we American traceurs greatly appreciate it!

 Then I was off to San Francisco and Big Sur where I joined some of the Exuberant Animal crew for a leadership workshop at the storied Esalen Institute.  I had a great time seeing Frank, Josh, and Charlie and meeting lots of other interesting people.

 The entire week was thought provoking and many of the concepts we batted around will probably make an appearance in future blog posts, but a particularly interesting revelation I had is that I need to rework my fitness goals for the year to focus on bodyweight exercises.

 This came out of many conversations with Josh and Charlie about the dangers of loading weight on an unsound structure - like someone with poor posture.  Better for that person to correct his/her alignment and then master some bodyweight skills before loading his/her frame with additional weight.  And there are plenty of challenges to keep me fully occupied!  The three of us set some goals for the rest of the year - we split them up into 4 categories; push, pull, squat, and gait.  Each category has 3 sub categories; strength, power, and endurance (or the 3 energy pathways for gait).  Here they are, in no particular order:


Strength: One arm wallclimb & one arm chinup

Power: “good” dyno (i have one in mind which I will measure soon)

Endurance: 50 kipping pullups



Strength: 5 perfect 1 arm pushups (each arm)

Power: 30ft. shotput (20 pound stone)

Endurance: 100 pushups (in a row)



Strength: 10 perfect pistols (each leg - no knee dive)

Power: 50 inch box jump

Endurance: 500 air squats



Phosphagen: sub 5 sec. 40 yard dash

Glycolysis:  Sub 55 sec. 400 m.

Aerobic: Sub 18min. 5k (barefoot for extra credit)


Some additional goals I have are to master Russian Leans, and to hold a front lever for at least 3 seconds.

I’ll post some regular updates on my progress - wish me luck!

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Reader Comments (4)

Great goals. Been working on some new ones myself. Thanks for the inspiration.


June 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTed

Hey Ted - thanks for the note - let us know what your goals are when you've got them figured out?

June 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterColin Pistell

Yo man! Same here...we share our goals. I've been working on the leg stuff, and the ribs are finally starting to's what happened - your chin basically worked as a "rib spreader" when I curled up into it...hahaha. No ribs popped out, but two were basically twisted inward toward my lung. Coming back around!

Keep thinking and doing!!!

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjosh

Maybe I could market rib spreading as a service... kinda like toe spreading...

Glad to hear it's getting better!

June 16, 2010 | Registered CommenterColin Pistell

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