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Last weekend, a regional parkour jam was hosted by NCParkour – right here in Chapel Hill.  Unfortunately, I was in a seminar class all day and could therefore only stop by for an hour during lunch.  (the seminar was fantastic… all about sustainability and system dynamics – I will definitely be turning some of the lessons towards fitness once I’ve had some time to read more and ponder…)  By all accounts, NCPKJ13 was a great success.  Anna was on hand to represent our small local group throughout the day – we connected with some great local traceurs who have started joining us for training sessions.

For all of my talk on the importance of community, I have done a pretty poor job of engaging with the NCParkour folks until now.  I met them all early in the fall, then school, work, and life kept me from fully participating – to my detriment.  These guys are good.  I am looking forward to working more closely with Alan, Aaron, Ben, Andrew, and everyone else more closely in the future and learning as much as I can from them.

Our Chapel Hill group is growing.  J13 served to introduce us to Chris and Daniel, both of whom are valuable additions.  I am delighted to welcome Brian, Doug, and Chirag from the business school.  Alex continues to get better every day – I heard him explaining the link between exercise and neurogenesis the other day… it brought a tear to my eye…  and Anna’s finally healthy again. (and still fearless)  In short,  Chapel Hill parkour is coming out strong this spring – we look forward to great training, great people, and a lot of fun.  If you’re in the area and want to participate, drop me a line and we’ll get you out there!

NCParkour. Photo credit: Regenia Spangler


Notes and neurons

My friend Brendan just forwarded me this:

What a great lesson - the combination of movement and music can be such a powerful teaching tool.  I don't know about you, but I wish this was how all subjects were taught...

This merits a larger conversation.  What do people think?


Group training:  03/19/10

We've had a string of beautiful days here in Chapel Hill and my pals and I have been making the most of it.  We had a great day on Friday - Alex, Anna, and I all hit new records.  Here's some video from the day:

We have a lot of fun, which I hope comes across in the footage.  Please enjoy it!