We recently hit 600 facebook friends, which is completely awesome. As you long-time supporters know, whenever we hit another 100 friends, we release a celebratory video. This time around, we wanted to do something a little different. The majority of our focus, both on the blog and in our videos, is on the movement and Parkour elements of training - indeed, that's the core of our curriculum. But, I fundamentally believe there is more to being a skillful athlete than just movement/gymnastic abilities. So, for this video, we wanted to showcase some combative stuff in a way that made it look challenging but fun - and not super "ultimate fighter-y" Enjoy:
Thanks so much for all of your support - it's amazing and you are amazing. You can help speed us on our way towards our next video by telling all of your friends about Fifth Ape, get them to join us on facebook, and, if you're in the Triangle area of North Carolina, bring them out for a class.
Last time, I referenced some Big Things that were in the works. Well, we look like we're on track to deliver the first wave of Big Things next week. You should probably be excited. Or afraid. Or maybe both? Personally, I have a hard time distinguishing between fear and hunger, but that's just me. Anyways, the Big Things are coming...
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