Two new videos!
We recently hit another milestone: 500 facebook friends! As is our custom, whenever we hit another hundred we celebrate with a little video - so here's the creatively titled 500:
As is often the case, the "smallest" move in there was the hardest - the dyno up to the finger hold at 1:02 was absolutely killer. I had fun shooting this - I hope you enjoy it!
(You have liked us on facebook, right? You should! We're looking forward to recording 600!)
After today's intermediate PK class (awesome as always) I was helping Sean clean up after the Meetup when we hit upon a little physical challenge - do a Turkish-get-up with a log. The challenge wasn't so much the weight (that log only weighs about 50-55lbs) but the balance and the fact that I couldn't get my hand around it! Here's what happened:
I'm not going to lie - it was pretty hard.
Have a great rest of the weekend.
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