We'll do it live!

There is all kinds of exciting stuff going on in the Fifth Ape lab these days. Yesterday, shortly before devouring a Valentine's day dinner of cow heart with Julia, we finalized technical settings for what will soon be a brand new way to experience the mayhem of Fifth Ape:
Live Television.
Well... not really television. Webcasting - TV on the internet. The live part is completely true though. See, originally I was thinking about starting a podcast, but everyone has a podcast these days. Also, when I asked Ira Glass to host it he was all, "Colin, I'd totally love to, you know I would because we're like this, but I'm just way too busy with this whole 'being Ira Glass' thing... maybe later?"*
*Ira Glass actually only talks to me in my dreams.
Besides, if I recorded a podcast, then I'd have to edit it, and that sounds like a lot of work. A live show suits my lazy/seat-of-the-pants personality.
Here's the concept: we're going to start holding "office hours." For an hour or two each week - probably Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, probably around lunch time (eastern time) - I'll sign on and be here to talk about Parkour, paleo/primal lifestyle, training, strength & conditioning, etc. It'll be an opportunity for all of you to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer them. I'll try to have a subject or two to talk about every week, focused mostly on parkour/movement training, but I reserve the right to get all philosophical at some point. I'm also really hoping we can go mobile and do some live shows outside on UNC's incredible campus, using UNC's incredible wifi.
Yes, you will get to watch us train live. What's the over-under on how many episodes it will take for me to eat it in front you all?
Is this exciting and cool? Will you watch? Please do! Otherwise I'll feel really silly sitting there for an hour with nothing to do.
You can tune in on our brand new Live! page or straight from our Justin.tv channel. You can participate/ask questions from the dedicated chat box or via twitter - we're going to use the hashtag #pkofficehours
We'll be finalizing the schedule in the next few days but I'm foreseeing some fluidity and impromptu sessions. The best way to stay informed is to follow us on twitter and facebook. If you can't tune in live, the shows will be archived and you can watch them at your leisure later on.
I really hope this will be fun and worthwhile for everyone. We're excited to see how it goes - if you have any questions, comments, deep thoughts, etc. please leave a comment.
Now let's sit back and enjoy the King of Doing It Live: (bad language ahoy!)
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