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Hot like fire

To say it's been hot down here in Chapel Hill would be a bit of an understatement.  I think we've crossed into HAWT territory.

I am a cool weather person.  I like it when you need to put on a light jacket when you go outside.  Once the thermometer crosses the 90 degree point I revert back to some hard coded primal monkey behavior - all I want to do is lie in the shade, sleep, and eat fruit.

Training, therefore, has been a big challenge for me these past two weeks.  I feel slower and fatigue much faster. I tend to do better when others are out there to push me, so I was grateful to be joined by Sean on Wednesday. We had a blast, despite the heat, thanks in large part to some sprinklers.  Check it out:

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Reader Comments (1)

"Once the thermometer crosses the 90 degree point I revert back to some hard coded primal monkey behavior - all I want to do is lie in the shade, sleep, and eat fruit"...


June 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaura R.

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