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« Training Log: 03/10/10 | Main | Crossfit certification weekend »

Los Angeles

I am finishing up a week in Los Angeles – I lived out here for 8 years before moving to Chapel Hill and nearly a year has passed since my last tour out west.  It has been an interesting trip – a wonderful opportunity to see many old friends, and an occasionally overwhelming stroll down memory lane.  I am very grateful to everyone who opened up their homes, let me crash on their couches, and ferried me around the city.

My friends out here all work a full schedule, so I found myself alone during most days – the first time I’ve been on my own in the city for many years.  I took the opportunity to visit many of my favorite day-to-day places from when I lived here – I shopped in my old grocery store, hung out in the park where I tried my first gymnastic skills, ate at my favorite breakfast spots, etc.

I got my first muscle-up on these rings...

While I enjoyed visiting these places, I was struck for the first time by the sense that LA was no longer a home for me.  The past few times I came out here I got the sense that I was returning to an origin point.  This time, I got the sense that I was definitely an outsider.  That being said, there were a few moments that taught me how certain parts of my life are still powerfully connected to this place.  I spent many highly formative years in LA and I don’t think I will ever fully exorcise it from my system – I’m not sure I’d ever want to.

 A few key lessons from the trip:

1)  Dominion is an incredible game and you should all try it.

2) Beware the Lulu’s bottomless cup of coffee as it can quickly get out of hand.  The breakfast, however, is just as good as I remember.

 Lulu's House Scramble = how to start a morning

3)  LA is not a great city for parkour.  But props to Brendan for letting me use his back yard and for trying a little of it himself.

Brendan's first speed vault

4) On a related note, PX90 in my opinion is a complete waste of your money… but, as I’ve said before if it works for you…well… I guess it’s better than nothing.  Maybe.

5)  To all people in LA who are my age or younger:  your posture, broadly speaking, is quite poor.  I implore you to spend more time on your feet and away from the laptops and blackberries – it is odd to see such beautiful, stylish people moving so poorly.

I am proud of all of my friends out here – They are taking some big steps in their lives, working incredibly hard, and facing some truly challenging situations with grace and determination.  To all of them;  thanks for making this a memorable trip – you are all welcome in Chapel Hill whenever the traffic gets too thick, the work gets a little too overwhelming, or you just feel like seeing some trees.

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Reader Comments (2)

great comments!

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

how'd you get powder to do parkour? won't that damage him?

March 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrendan

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