Everyone's first class is free! For more info on attending your free class, click here. Sundays at 2PM are the designated time for trial classes, but if you can't make that time let us know and we'll get you into another class.
Classes are our most popular form of training. We offer several types of classes - take a look below to see what option makes sense for you and your family:
Fifth Ape Adult Class: An hour-long class designed to maximize your potential in all primal, practical, and playful movements. There are two flavors - Movement, which focuses on locomative skills, and Martial Arts, which focuses on combative skills. For ages 16+
Low Impact, Prehab, & Play: An hour-long class designed to improve vital athletic skills, like balance, hip control, mobility, and core strength, in a fun, low impact manner. This class is a great choice for people who dig the Fifth Ape approach to fitness, but aren't ready for "all that jumping around" yet, or for anyone looking to improve athletic performance, prehabilitate against injuries, play some games, and have a great time. For all ages.
Fifth Ape Teen Classes: An hour-long class designed to develop natural movement capabilities for teens. This class focuses on progressive strength, conditioning, and agility with a focus on Parkour, martial arts, and mobility. For ages 12-15.
Kids Parkour Class: An hour-long class focusing on the development of fundamental strength, conditioning, coordination, and agility needed to learn Parkour. For ages 8-12.
Slacklining: Balance is a vital physical quality and nothing develops it like slacklining! You will learn how to mount/dismount, stand, walk, turn, and maybe some fancy stuff as well! For ages 12+
Intermediate Parkour Class: For those who have graduated from our PK Fundamentals course and are hungry for the next step, we give you our intermediate class. We continue building on the basics but push harder and demand more. Be warned: This class is TOUGH and should not be entered lightly. For ages 16+
(PREREQUISITES: Graduated from a PK Fundamentals course, "Clean" FMS screen (14<=, no asymmetries))
Guided Free Practice: Not exactly a class per se, so much as an "open gym," Guided Free Practice sessions are a perfect opportunity to work on any skill you like in the presense of Fifth Ape coaches. You'll be able to use all our equipment and ask for any help you need. The best part: these sessions are included free with a class card or membership! Or, you can purchase individual sessions for just $5, making this our most affordable way to get some coaching.
Cost: All regular classes follow the same price structure:
- Drop-in: $15/class
- 4 class pass: $55
- 8 class pass: $85
- Membership (Unlimited classes, priority access to special events): $100/month
We also offer family pricing options to encourage siblings and parents to all train together! Find out more here.