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FAQ > Classes > Tell me more about this "Family Pricing" option?!?


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When a family trains together and plays together, magic things happen. We at Fifth Ape want to make it as easy as possible for the whole family to benefit from our training.

So, here's the deal: When a member of your family buys a 4 class card, an 8 class card, or an unlimited membership, every other drop in, class card, or unlimited membership of equal or lesser value that your family buys is 50% off!

Let's say you have two children.  You buy one child a 4-class card for $55. The other child's card would only cost $27.50. Then if perhaps you or your spouse want to attend a class and purchase a drop in class, you'd only pay $7.50. Pretty great, right?

Some fine printy things: This offer is currently only available to families with children. Sorry :(   Bestest of friends, roommates, boy/girlfriends, that random guy you met at Weaver St. Market, etc. don't count. We're nice, but not that nice.

Also, please note the "equal or lesser value" part. You can't buy a drop-in class at full price and then get half off an unlimited membership, you scallywag ;)

Finally, if you want to take advantage of family pricing, you'll need to coordinate with us via email and we'll take care of the back end database entry stuff.

Last updated on October 21, 2011 by Colin Pistell