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Entries by Colin Pistell (246)


Office Hours #7

Office Hours #7 is up! We talk lateral vaults and arm jumps. Enjoy!

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What goes up...

Last week in our adult classes we practiced a few different ideas for safely bailing out of arm jumps. The feedback was very positive - everyone thought it was a valuable skill. This week’s Office Hours covered rolling - a critical technique not just for safely dissipating landings, but also for recovering from unforeseen falls, bails, mishaps, etc. 

I’ve spent the past week thinking about the application and adaptation of Ukemi - the skill of falling, literally translated from Japanese as “receiving body” - into outdoor movement/parkour scenarios. After shooting the rolling segment for yesterday’s Office Hours, Sean told me about a video by Amos Rendao over at Apex Movement where he discusses exactly that. I checked it out and it’s fantastic. Amos is way further down the learning curve than we are, so I’ll turn it over to him:

Great stuff - this may finally be the thing that convinces me to learn how to flip. A closely tied subject that Amos mentioned is the landing continuum - a concept that we’ve baked into a lot of our teaching progressions but haven’t ever called out explicitly, so perhaps it’s time to do so:

There’s a lot of good work coming out of Colorado and Seattle. I should probably figure out a way to make it to 2012’s Parkour Summit.  Shout out to Amos for being ahead of the curve on this one.


Office Hours #6

In this episode we review rolling and discuss training locations & some related ethical issues. Enjoy!