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FAQ > General Questions > Will I lose weight/gain muscle/insert typical fitness goal here?


Here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you don't see your question below, please drop us a line and ask. Your question may end up in the FAQ!

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Sure, but we don't peddle ourselves as a miracle weight loss/muscle gain/insert-typical-fitness-goal-here system. We believe in slow fitness. Like the slow food movement, we believe that movement and fitness should be a lifestyle and an organic process, and not determined or dictated by some arbitrary number on a scale. At Fifth Ape, we play a bigger game.

So yes, you will lose weight. You will gain muscle. You will get stronger and healthier. But all of that takes time. Meanwhile, enjoy the process. Natural movement is inherently pleasurable and joyful. It provides instant gratification.

So, in a way, we do offer fast results!

Last updated on October 14, 2010 by Colin Pistell