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FAQ > General Questions > Do you need to be in shape before you can participate?


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Nope. The programming is incredibly scalable, so you can make great progress no matter where you start from. That being said, if you have a serious health condition or severe mobility issues, this may not be for you right now. If you have any doubts, you should consult your doctor.

While by no means conclusive, here's a rough checklist to help guide you:

1: You can participate in most activities and begin to make progress if:

  • You can perform an air squat with full range-of-motion (see this for a video example)
  • You can do a push-up (in full plank for men and from the knees for women)
  • You can jog 1/2 a mile without stopping

2: You can fully participate and make good progress if:

  • You can comfortably do everything in the first category plus...
  • Perform a pull-up
  • Deadlift your body weight
  • Run a mile
  • Make it through a Crossfit WOD

3: You are well ahead of the curve and will make rapid progress if:

  • You can comfortably do everything in the first two categories plus...
  • Perform a muscle up (on a bar or rings)
  • Broad jump over 6ft.
  • Have "gone heavy" on back squats
  • Have Olympic lifting, rock climbing, martial arts, and/or parkour experience
  • Have attended a MovNat course and lived to tell the tale

Last updated on February 15, 2011 by Colin Pistell