Office Hours #15
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 11:48AM
Colin Pistell in PK Office Hours, PK office hours, Video, parkour, safety, training, turn vaults, tutorials

I may have forgotten to post Office Hours #14 until just now, but you're getting Office Hours #15 hot off the press! In this episode we discuss the extremely useful turn vault in detail. 

We had some issues with the stream during the show, so make sure you check out the HD footage of the segment. And, try to join us on Tuesdays at 7PM EDT when we stream live! The show is much more enjoyable for me to do when I receive questions and get to interact with all of you!

Pro tip: If you tune in a little early on Tuesdays you can usually join in on some pre-show hijinks. Just sayin' ;)

Article originally appeared on Fifth Ape (
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