The great secret
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 11:27AM
Colin Pistell in Exercise, Maurice Sendak, Musings, fear, improvement, motivation, parkour, practice, training

We'll get to the great secret in just a minute. First, let's pause and remember Maurice Sendak who passed away earlier today. Sendak's books had an indelible impact on my childhood and the childhoods of basically everyone I know who's worth knowing. 


So, the Great Secret. You want to know it? The key to success? Not just for fitness, or parkour, but for basically everything in life?

Are you sure? You might not like it...

Okay... here it is, formatted to be accessible to anyone who grew up playing video games:

(Thanks to Brendan for the find)

That's it. Just. Keep. Moving. Very simple, but terribly difficult to actually do.

You can't take the easy path. You can't just stick to what you're good at, or stick with what's "safe." You need to confront your weaknesses, struggle with them, and only then will you overcome them.

Related: Ido Portal recently wrote a fantastic piece on what he calls "the Leap." I highly suggest you read it. 

Article originally appeared on Fifth Ape (
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