Operation Handstand part II
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 10:46AM
Colin Pistell in Chapel Hill, Exercise, North Carolina, Training Log, Video, exuberant animal, gymnastics, handstand, parkour, training

Here's the latest entry in the training log.  It was pretty snowy over the weekend so I decided to stay inside and work on some gymnastic skills.

I am by no means a gymnast, but I very much enjoy gymnastic training and skill development.  It's a lot of fun and offers a unique challenge to the body - for fans of "core" training, I'd strongly suggest that you haven't experienced a significant core challenge until you've tried to stabilize your midline during any lever or planche.

For more information, check out Beast Skills and/or Building the Gymnastic Body

Article originally appeared on Fifth Ape (http://fifthape.squarespace.com/).
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